******************************************************************************* CLAROLINE 1.10 - CREDITS ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJECT HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Claroline project was initiated in 2000 at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium - http://www.uclouvain.be/) by Thomas De Praetere and was financially supported by the Louvain Foundation. In 2004, the CERDECAM (http://www.cerdecam.be), research center of ECAM (Engineering higher school - Belgium) joined the development team. Since 2007, the development of the project is made under the direction of the Claroline Consortium involving several institutions over the world (for more details see http://www.claroline.net/en/consortium/consortium-3.html). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLAROLINE TEAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Claroline Core Team : From Claroline Consortium : Philippe Dekimpe (dkp@ecam.be) Antonin Bourguignon (antonin.bourguignon@claroline.net) Stephane Klein (stephane.klein@claroline.net) From Université catholique de Louvain : Frédéric Minne (zefredz@claroline.net) aka ZeFredz Frédéric Fervaille (ffervaille@claroline.net) From Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci : Philippe Van Eerdenbrugghe (systho@gmail.com) Active contributors : Laurence Dumortier (laurence.dumortier@fundp.ac.be) Jean-Roch Meurisse (jean-roch.meurisse@fundp.ac.be) Former members of the Claroline Team : Sebastien Piraux (seb@claroline.net) aka Fragile Christophe Gesché (moosh@claroline.net) aka Moosh Anais Hulet (Communication - CERDECAM) Florence Hortmans (Communication - CERDECAM) Grégory Koch (Developer - UCL) Mathieu Laurent (Developer - CERDECAM) Guillaume Lederer (Developer - CERDECAM) Nicolas Leblanc (Developer - CERDECAM) Hugues Peeters (Developer and Project Manager - UCL) Aurelien Van Hamme (Developer - CERDECAM) Dimitri Rambout (Developer - UCL) Former contributors : Marina Zelwer (marina.zelwer@univ-st-etienne.fr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIFIC CODE CONTRIBUTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pages authoring tool : Benjamin Sokay Internal Messaging : Christophe Mertens (thetotof@gmail.com) Linker feature : Renaud Fallier (captren@gmail.com) SCORM and IMS-QTI export : Amand Tihon (amand@alrj.org) Administration section : Benoit Muret (muret_ben@hotmail.com) Guillaume Lederer (lederer@cerdecam.be) Announcement tool improvement: Pablo Rey (prey@cesga.es) Password Encryption : Fabio Spelta (fabio.spelta@tiscali.it) Personnal Agenda : Eric Remy (eremy@rmwc.edu), Toon Van Hoecke (Toon.VanHoecke@UGent.be) LDAP : Roan Embrechts (roan.embrechts@ugent.be) Events since last visit : René Haentjens (rene.haentjens@intec.ugent.be) Guillaume Lederer Quizz Tool : Olivier Brouckaert (oli.brouckaert@skynet.be) Sebastien Piraux (piraux@cerdecam.be) Learning Path Tool : Sebastien Piraux (Cerdecam) Guillaume Lederer Tracking system : Sebastien Piraux (piraux@cerdecam.be) Single DB customisation : Roger Hedlund (rhedlund@passagen.se) User Image : Miguel (miguel@cesga.es) Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@ugent.be) Upgrade tool : Mathieu Laurent (laurent@cerdecam.be) Christophe Gesché (gesche@ipm.ucl.ac.be) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXTERNAL CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forum tool : adpated from PHPBB 1.4 (http://www.phpbb.com) Zip / unzipping option : PclZip library - Vincent Blavet (http://www.phpconcept.net) CAS system : based on phpCas library from ESUP-Portail project (http://esup-phpcas.sourceforge.net/) External Authentication : based on PEAR_Auth http://pear.php.net SOAP Support : based on NuSOAP SOAP library by NuSphere and Dietrich Ayala http://sourceforge.net/projects/nusoap/ iCal support : based on Michael Wimmer iCal PHP Classes RSS reader : based on LastRSS by http://lastrss.oslab.net/ PEAR Modules : http://pear.php.net PHP email transport : based on PHP Mailer class by Brent R. Matzelle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRAPHICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tango icon set : by The Tango Desktop Project (http://tango.freedesktop.org/) Famfamfam icon set : by Mark James (http://www.famfamfam.com/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRANSLATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arabic translation : Yassine Jelman (yjelmam@myrealbox.com) Eng.Ali Ismaeel (ali@parmaja.com,a-s-is@scs-net.org) (http://www.arabeyes.org, http://www.parmaja.com/) Bulgarian translation : Alexander Simidchiev (simid@mail.bg) Catalan translation : Xavier de Pedro (xavidp@confluencia.net) Chinese translation : Maizeman (Maizeman@21cn.com) Barry (barry@synu.edu.cn) Ping Pingjianban (pingjianban@gmail.com) Derek Zhou (zhous1998@gmail.com) http://www.claroline.net.cn/ Chinese (traditionnal) : Kiang (kiange@gmail.com) - Taiwan PHP User Group http://twpug.net/ Allen Uhomist universe_plushk@yahoo.com.hk Croatian translation : Dragan Misovic Karolj Skala (skala@irb.hr) Bozo Jonic (bjonic@irb.hr) Dutch translation : Inčs Du Four (inesdufour@hotmail.com) Denis Smidts (Smidts@ipm.ucl.ac.be) Isabel Deprez (isabel.deprez@rug.ac.be) Roan Embrechts (roan.embrechts@ugent.be) Stefan De Wannemacker (sdwannem@cage.rug.ac.be) Toon Van Hoecke (toon.vanhoecke@ugent.be) Michael Van Canneyt (michael.vancanneyt@wisa.be) Svenn d'hert - wmtown.com Dutch (Nerderlands) : de Vries Dominicus (dominiquedevries@tiscali.nl) French translation : Jean-Claude Cordier (Jean-Claude.Cordier@univ-rouen.fr) Paul Muraille (info@tictips.com) Jean-Roch Meurisse (jean-roch.meurisse@fundp.ac.be) Finnish translation : Asmo Koskinen (asmo.koskinen@asmokoskinen.net) Galician translation : Maria Jose Rodriges Malmierca Gerardo Albela Gonzalez (galbela@uvigo.es) German translation : Stiehl Nikolai (nikolai.stiehl@web.de) Markus Petz Angela Büchler (buechler@gp.tu-berlin.de) Christine Knieriemen (tine@knieriemen.de) Greek translation: Costas Tsibanis (costas@noc.uoa.gr) Yannis Exidaridis (jexi@noc.uoa.gr) Spiros Ktenas (claroline@claroline.gr, unofficial greek community website : http://www.claroline.gr) Lefteris Zacharia (lzachari@cytanet.com.cy) Spiros Ioannou From School of Electrical & Computer Eng. National Technical University of Athens http://www.image.ece.ntua.gr/ Hungarian translation : Balázs Györök (gyorok.balazs@vgszi.szie.hu) Maxigas Italian translation : Maurizio Guercio (mguercio@libero.it), Furio Petrossi (Furio.Petrossi@scuolefvg.org) Giuseppe Filice (Universitŕ della Calabria) Fausto Barbarito (http://www.nosmet.com) Stefano Crosatti (krosa@libero.it) Indonesian translation : Ery Atmodjo (eryatmodjo@yahoo.com) Japanese translation : Akira Yoshii (yoshii@cc.hokkyodai.ac.jp) Persian translation : Elnaz Sarbar (elnaz.s@gmail.com) Polish translation : Slawomir Gurdala (guslaw@uni.lodz.pl) Jacek Grudzien (bel2@bel.biz.pl) Portugese translation : Marcello R. Minholi (minholi@unipar.br) Romanian Translation : Antonio Apostoliu (antonio.apostoliu@meteo.inmh.ro) Swedish translation : Jan Olsson (jano@artedi.nordmaling.se) Slovenian translation : Sergej Rinc - http://sergej.rinc.ws Sasa Divjak (sasa@fri.uni-lj.si) Spanish translation : Xavier Casassas (xcc@mail.ics.co.at) Jorge Gonzales (jgonzalez@athenasoft.com.mx) Javier Picado Ladrón de Guevara (jpicado@eurosur.com) Oda Begares (begaeres@arch.ucl.ac.be) Rodrigo Alejandro Parra Soto Gerardo Albela Gonzalez (galbela@uvigo.es) Daniel Marimon (danielmf@gmail.com) Spanish_Latin : Carlos Brys (brys@fce.unam.edu.ar) Mario Augusto Mendez Secaira Thaď translation : Sutas Jitchuen (dtsjc@mucc.mahidol.ac.th) Prachid Tinnabutr (prachid@prachid.com, prachid007@gmail.com) Turkish translation : Cuneyt Birkok (cbirkok@insanbilimleri.com) Claroline Documentation : Andrew Lynn (alynn@strathclyde.ac.be) Emmanuel Pecquet (emmanuel.pecquet@wanadoo.fr) Nikolai Stiehl (nikolai.stiehl@web.de) Isabel Deprez (isabel.deprez@rug.ac.be) Philippe Danckaert Slawomir Gurdala Paul Muraille Dalton Piegas Simoni Maria Jose Rodriges Malmierca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECURITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deepfear, Netcraft and Siegfried from the Zone-H Team The Digital Security Research Group [DSecRG] Fernando Munoz and dimkrayan on the Claroline.net forum Gerendi Sandor Attila ========================================================================= Europe, Belgium, Louvain-la-Neuve $Date: 2011-02-15 15:49:00 +0100 (Tue, 15 Feb 2011) $ ================================== END ===================================